
C-in-C Institute aims to bring together the learning and the learned. This simple message embodies double meanings as the two adjectives refer both to different persons as well as to the same individual. The learned is expected to impart his knowledge and expertise to those who come forward seeking knowledge. Yet, as Socrates so famously and memorably admits of his own ignorance, the learned is also keenly aware of his own limitations and seeks to explore learning opportunities of his own.

We seek to cultivate civic spirit in the belief that genuine social stability and economic prosperity has to be founded on the bedrock of an informed and knowledgeable citizenry. Any argument and viewpoint that does not include this indispensable fundamental truth is illusory and has no chance to last. History is littered with tragic stories proceeded from social decline and intellectual stagnation. Valuable lessons are there to be learned, and it is trite to say that historical studies enable one to understand the present properly by knowing the evolution from the past which in turn equips one to shape one’s future wisely on the basis of clear and correct diagnosis of the present.

The rise of pragmatism in the turn from 19th to 20th century was followed by the linguistic turn in philosophy. Appreciating the importance of language has a long tradition that goes back to the giants of thinkers in ancient Greece like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - among the most well-known in the Western intellectual tradition. Taking language seriously is to think rigorously. Sloppiness in words can be dangerous as it is liable to lead one astray. Language is tool and every tool is susceptible to being misused. Misuse of words could misrepresent the world. Therefore, cultivating good knowledge in language, Chinese and English, is one of the major focuses in C-in-C.

There is no art in the cave of Plato’s allegory because the dwellers in the cave, having been habitually fed with the superficial and illusory, would have no idea about the human soul and matter of beauty. Art is the manifestation of deep inner view of human nature and experiences; it helps us to transcend the immediate physical and material context with which one tends to be preoccupied. Aesthetic education and experiences are generally regarded as indispensable to a good life. Further information on our Arts programmes and Exhibitions is available in this web-site.