Words work Wonders

時事與英語 ( C-1001/11 – A/B )

導師: Philip Chiu

毫無疑問,英語是當今的世界語。不論是互聯網、電子傳媒、雜誌書報等,都是以英語為主。最近,中東電視台Al Jazeera,也用英語打進國際舞台,甚而影響時事。連美國國務卿希拉里(Hillary Clinton)都加以表揚,認為其水平已超過美國。

本課程,就地取材,以南華早報(South China Morning Post )為主。 說明英語傳媒的選料、題材處理及表達方式跟華語傳媒有何不同。然後因應情況,輔以其他英語媒介作為補充。目的在加強英語能力,希望進一步認識傳媒文化,藉以擴濶視野,增長見識。

逢星期六 (A)14:00 – 15:30 或 (B) 16:00 – 17:30 每期8節,每節1.5小時,費用$350

The following forthcoming English programmes of the Institute is intended for both junior and adults, presumably with proficiency level equivalent to form 5, and are interested in refreshing their use of English in practical context. Language is a living instrument and it is capable of being mastered by everyone who is keen to play around it. There is really no requisite for enrolment. Please also visit our Chinese Calligraphy, Photography, Arts, and other programmes and activities by using the side-bar on the left to navigate around our pages.

I. Words around the Worlds – through the lens of SCMP


- use of language precisely and clearly

- organizing your materials coherently and logically

- use of argument techniques

Method: critical reading of SCMP

II. Learn English the way you want

(or the ways you would have wanted if only you are aware of other options)

• Introducing high quality learning channels on Internet

• Exploring learning difficulties and ways to overcome them

III. The Future of the Past

- exploring the variety of historical study and their relevance to modernity